Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I take the plastic 'wings' out of my corner rounder punch, it will then create a scalloped edge.
-Carol Houghton, TPE design team

To sharpen punches, punch through several layers of aluminum foil or a sheet of fine sandpaper a few times. It should make them punch much cleaner.
-Robin Willis, TPE design team

For sticking punches, punch through wax paper. If it sticks when you have paper inside, place in the freezer for 15 minutes to make it expand and it will release.
-Robin Willis, TPE design team

For those really big punches that are hard to punch, place it on the floor and step on it. The punch can handle it and it will save your hands!
-Robin Willis, TPE design team

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this great tips, i will try out the freezer.
    I have this problem with some of my punches.

